Wednesday, January 14, 2009
She lost her tooth!
This morning Ryah informed me that she was going to lose her tooth today and that I had to check it. So, I checked it and didn't really agree with her that it was loose enough to come out today. But she insisted that it was and that it would happen at school. Now why she insisted that it be at school I am not sure, other than in a Kindergartners mind that would surely be the talk of the school it it were to happen. So, as I am driving her to school she tells me that she is going to tell her teacher that her tooth is going to come out today at school. Well... when I picked Ryah up at school sure enough there was her tooth in a baggy. Such determination, I love it! The story behind it was that her and her friends were at recess and that she was talking about her loose tooth and how it needs to come out. So, her friend Haley goes, gets a napkin, and proceeds to pull Ryah's tooth right out of her mouth. That couldn't have been hygenic! Now if you know Ryah, this is truly a Ryah story. Only Ryah would have a friend get a napkin and rip her tooth out. She was so proud, smiling extra BIG to see who would notice. She's in bed now and as I have reflected on the event I feel bad because with your first child the whole tooth loosing thing is such a big deal and you have to call everybody and tell them, with Ryah we barely got a call in to her dad. And to make matters worse I actually contemplated if it was ok for the "tooth fairy" to leave a check! I didn't have cash, but then I realized my name was on the check and even though she can't read her brother can and since it's the first, I made a trip to get some cash. It actaully worked out because I needed some cash to back pay the kids piggy banks from all the money we've "borrowed" for the other "tooth fairys". Congrats Ryah!!!
Sunday, January 4, 2009
New Year's Resolutions???
Chris always loves the beginning of a new year, he says it feels like a fresh start. I on the other hand, with my rebellious side, doesn't like the fact that everybody holds off until Jan. 1st to straighten out their life. I mean if you have goals and things you want to change, change them, why wait till Jan1st? So with that said, I don't make New Years Resolutions, but if I did... I want to love on my hubby and kiddos, and show them more of Jesus. I want God to deepen my commitment to Him this year. I don't want to test the endless grace He offers me over and over again. I want to get past myself and to sacrifice a life a comfort so others can know no pain. I want to serve without limits. I want to know God more today than I did yesterday. I want to love without limits. That's what I resolve for this year.
Saturday, January 3, 2009
Why do we need vacations to recover from vactions?
The kiddos have been off school the last 2 weeks and I was so looking forward to getting sleep! That didn't happen, needless to say... Christmas was great! We surprised the kiddos with a bengal cat this year that we pre-named Bella (we did this because Chris says kids always pick lame names like sugar or something wierd, so instead he names her Bella, is that really any better? I don't know). Bengal cats are part leopard and they are really cool looking cats with great temperments. She is 9 weeks old and can already scale her way onto the counter tops! The best part is the kids (and maybe Chris and I) fighting over who gets to hold her every second of the day! I would have pics on here but for the second year in a row Chris and I have managed to lose our camera on Christmas day, how does that happen 2 years in a row??? Then we took the kiddos up to Lake Arrowhead for a week. It was beautiful! Snow was everywhere! We went snowboarding for Chris 33rd birthday. We took our boy Elias and he did amazing! I want to take him up there every week just beacuase I think he could become a professional one day! I on the other hand was a little rusty. You see I have this fear of getting hurt! I didn't have that fear last time I went, I don't know what happen to me, but I don't like it! Chris spent a good amount of the time trying to teach me the "proper" way to snowboard, but I think my way is just fine! We also took the kids sledding. Cade, the one who I thought would be whining about the snow, was our wild sled momma! She would sled down these huge hills alone and then drag her sled back up, it was so cute. Then there were boat rides, jacuzzi soaks, game board matches, ping pong competitions, pool competitions, and eating, eating, eating! Anyways after all that craziness I am exhausted! I need some sleep this week!
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