Sunday, January 4, 2009

New Year's Resolutions???

Chris always loves the beginning of a new year, he says it feels like a fresh start. I on the other hand, with my rebellious side, doesn't like the fact that everybody holds off until Jan. 1st to straighten out their life. I mean if you have goals and things you want to change, change them, why wait till Jan1st? So with that said, I don't make New Years Resolutions, but if I did... I want to love on my hubby and kiddos, and show them more of Jesus. I want God to deepen my commitment to Him this year. I don't want to test the endless grace He offers me over and over again. I want to get past myself and to sacrifice a life a comfort so others can know no pain. I want to serve without limits. I want to know God more today than I did yesterday. I want to love without limits. That's what I resolve for this year.


Anonymous said...

That's awesome!

Anonymous said...

I am so right there with you! I HATE New Year's Resolution time. It's ridiculous. You are right on when you say that there is no reason to wait til the beginning of the year to change things. Might as well keep putting it off for some other time. If you really wanna fix things, then do it! That's my opinion.

Anonymous said...

good stuff girl! I'm with ya!