So yesterday was the end of a great and busy summer and the beginning of s-c-h-o-o-l. I think I am more bummed than the kiddos. Elias is in 2nd grade now and is beginning the year with his bright yellow cast (side note, he jumped off the couch onto the coffee table and broke his big toe. They had to put a rod into it to keep it in place while it heals). I must say he is handling it like a champ. His teacher this year is Mr. Henry and according to Elias he is really funny! Elias says he likes school, but is anxious to get his cast off so he can play soccer.
Ryah is in Kindergarten and her teacher is Mrs. Standley (an amazing teacher, the same one Elias had). Today as I was parking the car at her school she informed me that I didn't need to walk her to class she could walk by herself. I told her no that I wanted to go with her and again she told me I could just watch her from the car. Either I am already embarrassing her or she isn't suffering from any kind of separation anxiety. I walked her to class because I have to and because I love to see the huge smile on her face as she waits for Mrs. Standley to walk them in. Sh
"Either I am already embarrassing her or she isn't suffering from any kind of separation anxiety." you want the answer to that question!?...:)
Funny how they want to be so independant so quickly. I gotta say, Elias is handling that cast thing pretty well...though I am sure that he will be happy to be rid of it.
Oh yeah, I have to go to sleep...
Your husband just yelled at me for watching this while at you can let him know that you MADE ME!
Excellent job on the blog though. Really, excellent job. You are officially my blogger friend again!
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