Wednesday, October 22, 2008


I've been thinking a lot about the story of Jesus calming the storm at sea lately. We're all the like the disciples in one way or another (or in a lot of ways!). Here they have Jesus in their boat with them and a storms starts brewing and soon the experienced fisherman are overwhelmed because the waves are out of control. This must have been some crazy storm! Fisherman are used to these kinds of things and they are usually tough guys. You know how guys don't even want to ask for directions, nonetheless help with their boat during a storm. How many of them are there, and how many of Jesus are there? Finally, as last resort, after toughing it out for as long as they could, they go to Jesus. Now why didn't they go to Him sooner, why did they wait until their boat was full of water and they were zapped of strength? And what was Jesus doing, oh He's just sleeping. You see He's not worried at all, He's got it all under control, in fact with one word He ends the storm, He calms the sea, and the disciples. This is just like me, I get into a stormy situation and I try to weather it on my own, thinking I am experienced and tough, and if not I've got friends to turn to. Then all of sudden it gets much too big for me to handle and as last resort I'm running to Jesus with a "you've got to do something now!" Why do I forget Jesus is there with me in the circumstance. He was ready to help in the beginning, but He is still ready to help in the end as well. I hope I learn to weather storms with Him and then be able to see how He decides to calm them. Remember God is in the boat with you too and He will calm the storm...


Anonymous said...

Great thought...This is exactly what we talked about at the mens retreat. Lots of roough waters these days.

Williams Family said...

Hey I heard a sermon a few months ago on storms and I loved what he said. He said that storms are either brought to correct us or perfect us. I just loved that. I hope you are having a great week my friend.